⚡️ Stoked to have you on board!

Hello friends of KDA! Welcome to my INTEL!

With a solid two decades at the helm of The Keva Dine Agency, I've mastered the art of attracting and retaining top-notch Creative & Marketing talent. Having orchestrated thousands of placements and matches across the USA, covering the full spectrum of positions, levels, and titles - I’m not shy to say that I know what works and what doesn't.

Clients call me tapped in and hooked up - I say it’s hard work, perseverance, and persistence.

So get ready because I’m gearin’ up to drop some of my hard-earned golden wisdom. Be on the lookout for my monthly KEVA DINE INTEL™ - all designed to be timely and responsive to what’s happening in the creative, design, and, marketing industry.

Each month, you’ll get a dose of my 23 years of Creative Industry Recruitment expertise, tips, and insider intel. Get ready to dive into our network of over 100k creative pros.

Stay in the know with KEVA DINE INTEL™ - uncover Strategies to Tame the Noise, learn to Love The One You’re With!, and discover why Persistence is Fruitful.'

Let’s do this!

❤️ Keva